“Out of the frying pan… ”

6 min readFeb 7, 2021


“.. and off to the moon apparently.”

So a few months after a promotion trying to convince the world that #DFXLIVES, I was unwittingly awoke from my slumber early on a Sunday to see DFX had indeed finally woken up. Like 100% up.
Finally, the hype was real. With the app launch on the horizon, word was getting around.

“Organic growth…”
The words echoed from the earliest team meetings after the re-org in late September.

“Organic growth… tis’ what’s needed to fix this busted rocket… not quick pumps on news of exchange listings and paid for Twitter shillings. Tangible and realistic goals, communication, engagement, but most importantly and steady and consistent progress is the thing that’s gonna restore investor confidence, and send DFX to the fuckin’ moon once and all.”

The Telegram group began to fill up with new faces, and questions were flying about fast and furiously about progress, marketcap and the app. The buzz of excitement in the air, (ED: of the virtual room.) it felt like the PRguy was right. I hate it whenever I have to tell/confirm/be in the room when the #thePRGUY he was right.

The next week was a blur, of green candles, and by the end of a whirlwind of DNS errors, and late nights, the team had a flashy new website, (ED: missing SSL certification but looking sexy on a mobile phone.) had an AMA planned and had managed to grow in size.

“… you may remember me from other successful crypto projects such as, YfDFI.finance…”

‘10crypt AKA ’‘the new guy’ as he is affectionately known around DFX HQ, will be providing some guidance to community management and other aspects of the project, having some experience in this area.

And so, armed with their new team mate, and some rough notes from #thePRguy, the team found themselves facing down the ever growing membership of the Definitex Telegram group as they participated in the first AMA since the projects inception.

For posterity, I’ve taken the courtesy of transcribing the highlights below;


Any partnerships are/will be established?

“As discussed in Litepaper, we don’t plan to be a De-Fi powerhouse, but the app to be a one stop shop.
Various features within the app are already available from other providers, so integrating these services into the app is a much more effective way of doing this. Partnerships are key to this.
We have big ambitions for what we are building and want to expand our horizons as far as possible. This will working together with great projects whose vision aligns with ours. Our future partnerships will be important collaborations which will expand the technology we are building and expand our userbase. We are currently working on partnerships with projects. More details will come in the future!!”

Will the app be on ios/ or Android version of the app will made available?

“The BETA app is available only for Android initially. A iOs is planned for the final, and will subsequently get it’s own BETA release for playtesting. New Roadmap will have more details on the when.”

How are you going planning to do fiat integration in the new app?

“Iron Mike” Taylor
“We are partnering with 3rd party fiat to crypto services to be available do fiat onramp services.”

Will you go to other exchange (like Binance or other..) ?

“It is unfortunate that has fees have risen so much. This is a fault with the current ETH blockchain being overloaded. Our team is experienced in De-Fi and we pay attention to these developments. We are active in the chat and give as much advice as we can to all of you the community on how to navigate the high gas fees.
Further more, our app will eventually work cross-chain so we will have the benefit of leveraging different strengths of different block-chains in the services we can offer you.”

I saw there is some FUD about this project (in September)… can you talk about this, and about the “new team” ?

“Before I joined the team, and why I joined the team, was to put DFX back on track.
There is FUD throughout the space, rugs and various other underhand plays have made the people in the space weary.
Poor communication from the previous team, disorganized structure, left investors frustrated and without knowing what was happening.
The re-org, and to stay with the project where it’s just as easy to walk away at that point and start a fresh is testament to the new teams commitment to the cause.”

What is your marketing plans ?

“Our community has grown so much in recent times and we value the organic development of this project. We have plans to expand our already deployed marketing efforts further across all social platforms. We have already leveraged our connections in the defi industry to attract the attention of large groups who are already driving more users to our community. So much more planned for the future!!”

“Please give us updates on Audit. Also, any marketing plans.”

“Auditing is obviously hot topic in crypto land… as has been made apparent by the numerous requests for audit.
This will be something we will announce, but on our new roadmap launching next week — expect it to be a very short term target
We are just looking at providers as we speak to get the most robust service…to give you an indication of how short term a target it is.”

“Hi ! Thx for AMA ! Will team going public ? Or stay Anon ?”

“Iron Mike” Taylor
“Visible teams are overrated. If investors think that only anonym teams can rug, they are wrong. The most important aspect for project is visible work, not the team. We been here for almost half year and have great plans for this year. Our main goal is to be profitable company, that generates real revenue and give real value to our customers. I think that is the most legit thing for project in these days.”

But what will be the utility behind the token except investment ? Staking also?

“Iron Mike” Taylor
“Token utility initially is for staking, and the value representative of the project… staking with such a small circulating supply..
but as detailed in the Litepaper the final proof of concept is to utilize DFX as a means of payment (as per all of the crypto within) with a fractional amount of each token distributed to stakeholders, and a fractional amount to be burnt.
In the meantime, we have updates coming to the app which will allow greater utility and versatility of the DFX token within…”

How are we different from competition like SPI and XCUR and will there be partnership ?

“Though these projects have similar concepts, the De-Fi space continues to grow and use cases for various aspects, technology and features continue to emerge. We are focused on our product and are aware of other projects within the space. Our solution is unique and we are operating within an untapped niche so we don’t look at these projects as competition. We are building our own space!”

Congrats to; in no particular order-

Ahoui, TheStarGazer, Maurice Halbert, Notajang, Abace123 Bace, and CaptainLink who will receive a modest reward paid in DFX for their contributions to the AMA. Please be in touch with your ETH addresses, PM #thePRGuy and he’ll sort it. (ED: we’ll send it when the gas fees are cheapest though, so expect it at some point within 24 hours of submitting your address.)

Next article, will have a sneak peak at the mobile app in all it’s glory.

Stay locked.




Written by Definitex

DFX brings the de-centralized finance experience to the mainstream, providing a definitive solution to traditional loans. To Definitex… & beyond!!!

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